What exactly are the Democrats doing? Time to stop playing old politics winning moral wars. Where is the strategy? Please...I hope they are getting it together and coming out with a bang.
The Democrats can't help you. I don't understand why people keep expecting minority parties to somehow control the government.
If you live in a state where Democrats have majority control, they are probably doing something. I recommend consulting local media.
I'm sorry, your beef is not with Democrats, it is with voters who opposed them. And part of the reason Democrats struggle because so many of their own voters fall over themselves to scream about how awful and useless they are.
Elon paid good money to control the Executive Branch of the US Federal Government. $290 million. Chump change. With the $500 Billion in assets he has left he can buy Congress. The Supremes gave Donny immunity from crimes and he owes Elon. So Elon gets what ever he wants. Trust me he says. Like the sci-fi movie he replaced the department managers with his loyalists. The Puppetmaster. Like a cancer metastasizing and spreading through out the government.
What can the responsible Dems and GOP do? They can tell the truth.
So an agent of the President violates the Constitution, with the consent of the President. This is a violation of his oath of office. Impeachable offense? Otherwise, what is the legal method to stop the President from illegal acts?
Yeah, well, I consider people who can’t even be assed to oppose Trump because they’re too busy blaming the people who actually tried to oppose him to be a disaster for this country.
Did you even vote for Harris?
Do you have ANY idea how hard the party worked last year to save your ass while you were shitposting online?
Yeah, they were working overtime internationally to supply arms and political cover to a apartheid government undergoing a genocide while domestically they pulled out all the stops to block any chance of democratically (lol) selecting the candidate for president.
The Democrats handed Trump the Whitehouse by selecting a person who earned exactly zero primary votes as their candidate. Anointing an empty suit as your figurehead in the "most important election in human history" shows exactly how little regard they hold their supposed values.
I'm sure you think Obama was a fantastic president who committed no war crimes and did nothing to betray the working class to his corporate donors.
Anyone who uses the word “disaster” to describe a Democratic administration immediately exposes who his source of “truth” is. Propaganda uses loaded words and constantly repeats them until weak minded fools believe it’s true.
Democrats don’t do everything right—far from it—but the only “disaster” I see is going on right now in the White House.
Dems are NOT disaster for the working class - their legislation aims to help and buoy them up. McCOnnell went full obstruction during Obama's presidency, telling the RethugliKKKons "anything he's for, we're against". The economy historically does better with a Dem president. If this site allowed memes to be posted, I'd post one to illustrate this. It was under Reagan that the hollowing out of the middle class began. Per Robert Reich:I remember when CEOs took home 20 times the pay of their workers, not 300 times. When members of Congress acted in the interests of their constituents rather than be bribed by campaign donations to do the bidding of big corporations and the super-wealthy.
But over the last forty years, starting with Reagan, America went off the rails. Deregulation, privatization, free trade, wild gambling by Wall Street, union-busting, record levels of inequality, stagnant wages for most, staggering wealth for a few, big money taking over our politics,
Corporate profits became more important than good jobs and good wages for all. Stock buybacks and the well-being of investors became more important than the common good.
Democratic presidents were better than Republican, to be sure, but the underlying rot continued to worsen. It was undermining the foundations of America.
Yeah the Republicans held a gun to obummers head and made him give wall street a bailout, not indict a single banker for destroying the economy, decline to charge a single member of bushs admin for lying us into multiple trillion dollar wars, signing off on hundreds of illegal drone assassinations including American citizens without a trial, the massive expansion of the surveillance state and executive power (where did Donny douchebag get all this insane unaccountable power?!?!), crushing of whistle blowers, crushing of dissent (Occupy), the bullshit that was DACA (if he had any balls he could have followed well known progressive president Reagan's policy of amnesty for immigrants, but instead we had temporary means tested technocrat bullshit that Trump could throw out like his many diapers). He fucked us with out lube and you libs are still trying to get a taste of his spittle. Sad doesn't even begin to describe you fucking people. You are the "intellectual" descendents of the SPD who delivered the German state to Hitler on a fucking golden platter. Fascism triumphs because weak fucking libs are too scared to own someone by actually wielding power to LIBERATE THE WORKING CLASS FROM THE TYRANNY OF FINANCE AND OLIGARCHY.
I'm addition to every Republican who wanted oxygen by existing, fuck Obama, Hilary, Biden, Kamala, Buttigeg, Schumer, pelosy, and every single one of their pitiful boot lickers.
And degrulation started with the OG of weak lib bullshit, James Carter. Fuck him, glad he is dead. Forty years is penance did nothing to absolve him of his crimes against humanity.
No, the question is still whether Congress or the courts will act, because it seems aside from some hand-wringing and wheedling, nothing is being done to stop this.
Watching from Canada in literal fucking shock at the hand wringing! Do people even know what's going on? Why aren't y'all out in the streets right now before its entirely too late? This reads like a god damned comic book but real people are going to PAY! Jesus fucking Christ!
Trump was just a willing Trojan horse. Now the rats that tumbled out of his election inside the fort are burrowing into every governmental system, focusing on access to OUR money and personal and personnel records.
We knew that Project 2025 was coming, but at least I thought it was going to be executed through the legislative system. Boy was I wrong.
Don’t ask what Congress is doing! Pick up the phone and call your elected officials in Washington and demand they put a stop to this. Share Waleed’s post widely and ask your contacts to do the same. All the other BS is a distraction.
He is the master con man. At this point, I don’t care about IsIs when Elon musk has gained control of our systems and data. He is a far greater threat than isis.
Exactly. We’ve got to stop talking about the loss of DEI programs and whether or not the new DNC Chair is going to actually be able to change the calculus of the next elections. Get on the phone with our elected representatives and demand they stop this shit before it goes further.
And part of why the opposition has been so weak is that people of conscience spent a year and a half doing everything possible to organize a social movement against genocide -- flooding Congress with phone calls, occupying buildings, generating huge protests in the streets, changing public opinion, all of it. (As no one knows better than Waleed, obviously!) People took enormous risks, shattered friendships, ended careers, lost scholarships, went to jail, everything. And the people in power were entirely unmoved. So of course now, trying to marshall that same type of fighting spirit to push back against Trump is almost impossible, at least within the left. Previously apolitical people within the civil service may fight back, but at least for now, there isn't a movement there to meet them. I think many of us (and again, Waleed was clearer on this from the start than almost anyone) recognized that this was part of what Biden risked shattering with his commitment to backing Israel's genocide in Gaza. He was risking Trump's re-election. And, even more than that, he was risking the chance that it would become almost impossible to organize effectively against MAGA fascism going forward, by teaching people that resistance doesn't matter (no matter how principled or careful or brave) and by extinguishing the claim to the moral high ground of the only viable opposition party in the country.
It's been a dark few years, and still getting darker.
Genocide exists all over the world and the US props up, allies with & supports financially and militarily regimes that commit genocide and other human rights abuses. Americans don’t notice or care what happens to ppl who speak a different language & look differently. The fact that a few loudmouths jumped on the bandwagon to flog Dems about Palestine is not why a fascist felon squats in the White House.
It’s time for Legislators and the Judiciary to do their jobs. It’s time to throw caution to the wind. Can all of them be this scared or is it just ?spineless
I have mad respect for the National Park Service, but I never thought that the resistance might be led by someone armed with a Swiss army knife and bear whistle.
Would anybody oppose a military takeover of government right now?
*looks around the room, sees no hands raised*
Man, we are in a spot, huh?
At the very least, Musk should be arrested by the FBI, in the few days they have before he's their boss. "Conspiracy to take over the world" is a crime I'm pretty sure.
The world's richest man, high on ketamine, plugs in his own servers to steal data from the government. May we quietly whisper one last time, as we descend into chaos..."but her emails"
I'm wondering why an insurrection wouldn't be called for in response to this. We're watching the dismantling and destruction of our country and our government, so it seems like desperate times call for desperate measures.
We have thousands, millions, of Americans who have sworn an oath to protect and defend our Constitution. That oath doesn't end when you retire or change jobs to the private sector.
We have a foreigner who is staging a cyber-coup against us, and a faux-president who could give a sh*t, is in fact enjoying the destruction he's watching as retribution for all the bad, mean people who tried to put him in jail wah wah.
And since there aren't any penalties for treason in our current government system, we actually have the freedom to do whatever it takes without consequences.
Yet zero was done by people in our Gvt who SWORE AN OATH TO THE CONSTITUTION TO PROTECT AMERICA FROM ENEMIES FOREIGN & DOMESTIC. NO one is stepping up. Dems are very much complicit too. They KNEW exactly what was going to happen and the criminal they were handing our democracy over to. THEY KNEW and did nothing. To keep with Decorum? Tradition? RULE OF LAW? Since When have REPUBLICANS ever cared about these?
What exactly are the Democrats doing? Time to stop playing old politics winning moral wars. Where is the strategy? Please...I hope they are getting it together and coming out with a bang.
The Democrats can't help you. I don't understand why people keep expecting minority parties to somehow control the government.
If you live in a state where Democrats have majority control, they are probably doing something. I recommend consulting local media.
I'm sorry, your beef is not with Democrats, it is with voters who opposed them. And part of the reason Democrats struggle because so many of their own voters fall over themselves to scream about how awful and useless they are.
Ahh sorry but it is the dems falt. End this appeasement bullshit and come out fighting just as nasty as the RepubliCONs fascist.
Elon paid good money to control the Executive Branch of the US Federal Government. $290 million. Chump change. With the $500 Billion in assets he has left he can buy Congress. The Supremes gave Donny immunity from crimes and he owes Elon. So Elon gets what ever he wants. Trust me he says. Like the sci-fi movie he replaced the department managers with his loyalists. The Puppetmaster. Like a cancer metastasizing and spreading through out the government.
What can the responsible Dems and GOP do? They can tell the truth.
So an agent of the President violates the Constitution, with the consent of the President. This is a violation of his oath of office. Impeachable offense? Otherwise, what is the legal method to stop the President from illegal acts?
Because they stab us in the back at every chance they get. Obama was a disaster for the working class. Biden was just as bad.
Yeah, well, I consider people who can’t even be assed to oppose Trump because they’re too busy blaming the people who actually tried to oppose him to be a disaster for this country.
Did you even vote for Harris?
Do you have ANY idea how hard the party worked last year to save your ass while you were shitposting online?
Yeah, they were working overtime internationally to supply arms and political cover to a apartheid government undergoing a genocide while domestically they pulled out all the stops to block any chance of democratically (lol) selecting the candidate for president.
The Democrats handed Trump the Whitehouse by selecting a person who earned exactly zero primary votes as their candidate. Anointing an empty suit as your figurehead in the "most important election in human history" shows exactly how little regard they hold their supposed values.
I'm sure you think Obama was a fantastic president who committed no war crimes and did nothing to betray the working class to his corporate donors.
Anyone who uses the word “disaster” to describe a Democratic administration immediately exposes who his source of “truth” is. Propaganda uses loaded words and constantly repeats them until weak minded fools believe it’s true.
Democrats don’t do everything right—far from it—but the only “disaster” I see is going on right now in the White House.
Everyone who is critical is the Democrats is automatically a trump supporter. Yeah right. Get your lib head out of your tight lib ass.
Dems are NOT disaster for the working class - their legislation aims to help and buoy them up. McCOnnell went full obstruction during Obama's presidency, telling the RethugliKKKons "anything he's for, we're against". The economy historically does better with a Dem president. If this site allowed memes to be posted, I'd post one to illustrate this. It was under Reagan that the hollowing out of the middle class began. Per Robert Reich:I remember when CEOs took home 20 times the pay of their workers, not 300 times. When members of Congress acted in the interests of their constituents rather than be bribed by campaign donations to do the bidding of big corporations and the super-wealthy.
But over the last forty years, starting with Reagan, America went off the rails. Deregulation, privatization, free trade, wild gambling by Wall Street, union-busting, record levels of inequality, stagnant wages for most, staggering wealth for a few, big money taking over our politics,
Corporate profits became more important than good jobs and good wages for all. Stock buybacks and the well-being of investors became more important than the common good.
Democratic presidents were better than Republican, to be sure, but the underlying rot continued to worsen. It was undermining the foundations of America.
Yeah the Republicans held a gun to obummers head and made him give wall street a bailout, not indict a single banker for destroying the economy, decline to charge a single member of bushs admin for lying us into multiple trillion dollar wars, signing off on hundreds of illegal drone assassinations including American citizens without a trial, the massive expansion of the surveillance state and executive power (where did Donny douchebag get all this insane unaccountable power?!?!), crushing of whistle blowers, crushing of dissent (Occupy), the bullshit that was DACA (if he had any balls he could have followed well known progressive president Reagan's policy of amnesty for immigrants, but instead we had temporary means tested technocrat bullshit that Trump could throw out like his many diapers). He fucked us with out lube and you libs are still trying to get a taste of his spittle. Sad doesn't even begin to describe you fucking people. You are the "intellectual" descendents of the SPD who delivered the German state to Hitler on a fucking golden platter. Fascism triumphs because weak fucking libs are too scared to own someone by actually wielding power to LIBERATE THE WORKING CLASS FROM THE TYRANNY OF FINANCE AND OLIGARCHY.
I'm addition to every Republican who wanted oxygen by existing, fuck Obama, Hilary, Biden, Kamala, Buttigeg, Schumer, pelosy, and every single one of their pitiful boot lickers.
And degrulation started with the OG of weak lib bullshit, James Carter. Fuck him, glad he is dead. Forty years is penance did nothing to absolve him of his crimes against humanity.
No, the question is still whether Congress or the courts will act, because it seems aside from some hand-wringing and wheedling, nothing is being done to stop this.
Watching from Canada in literal fucking shock at the hand wringing! Do people even know what's going on? Why aren't y'all out in the streets right now before its entirely too late? This reads like a god damned comic book but real people are going to PAY! Jesus fucking Christ!
Trump was just a willing Trojan horse. Now the rats that tumbled out of his election inside the fort are burrowing into every governmental system, focusing on access to OUR money and personal and personnel records.
We knew that Project 2025 was coming, but at least I thought it was going to be executed through the legislative system. Boy was I wrong.
Don’t ask what Congress is doing! Pick up the phone and call your elected officials in Washington and demand they put a stop to this. Share Waleed’s post widely and ask your contacts to do the same. All the other BS is a distraction.
Here’s a script you can use:
Hello, [representative’s name]. My name is ____, and I’m a constituent from [town, state].
I’m calling to express my grave concerns about Elon Musk having access to the US Treasury payment system and to my personal data linked to it.
I’m sure you agree with me that giving access to this sensitive information to an unelected, unvetted person poses an unprecedented security risk.
Since this is an urgent issue, I would highly appreciate it if you could take immediate action within the limits of your power.
Thank you for your hard work, [representative’s name]!
Here's mine k? ..."tell them, do yer fng job!"
Not being smart here, seriously can't believe democrats just rolled us!
Yes. Yes. Yes.
He is the master con man. At this point, I don’t care about IsIs when Elon musk has gained control of our systems and data. He is a far greater threat than isis.
Exactly. We’ve got to stop talking about the loss of DEI programs and whether or not the new DNC Chair is going to actually be able to change the calculus of the next elections. Get on the phone with our elected representatives and demand they stop this shit before it goes further.
And part of why the opposition has been so weak is that people of conscience spent a year and a half doing everything possible to organize a social movement against genocide -- flooding Congress with phone calls, occupying buildings, generating huge protests in the streets, changing public opinion, all of it. (As no one knows better than Waleed, obviously!) People took enormous risks, shattered friendships, ended careers, lost scholarships, went to jail, everything. And the people in power were entirely unmoved. So of course now, trying to marshall that same type of fighting spirit to push back against Trump is almost impossible, at least within the left. Previously apolitical people within the civil service may fight back, but at least for now, there isn't a movement there to meet them. I think many of us (and again, Waleed was clearer on this from the start than almost anyone) recognized that this was part of what Biden risked shattering with his commitment to backing Israel's genocide in Gaza. He was risking Trump's re-election. And, even more than that, he was risking the chance that it would become almost impossible to organize effectively against MAGA fascism going forward, by teaching people that resistance doesn't matter (no matter how principled or careful or brave) and by extinguishing the claim to the moral high ground of the only viable opposition party in the country.
It's been a dark few years, and still getting darker.
Genocide exists all over the world and the US props up, allies with & supports financially and militarily regimes that commit genocide and other human rights abuses. Americans don’t notice or care what happens to ppl who speak a different language & look differently. The fact that a few loudmouths jumped on the bandwagon to flog Dems about Palestine is not why a fascist felon squats in the White House.
It’s not the only reason, true, but Emily makes a valid point. People don’t trust the D’s to grow a spine.
It’s time for Legislators and the Judiciary to do their jobs. It’s time to throw caution to the wind. Can all of them be this scared or is it just ?spineless
I have mad respect for the National Park Service, but I never thought that the resistance might be led by someone armed with a Swiss army knife and bear whistle.
Would anybody oppose a military takeover of government right now?
*looks around the room, sees no hands raised*
Man, we are in a spot, huh?
At the very least, Musk should be arrested by the FBI, in the few days they have before he's their boss. "Conspiracy to take over the world" is a crime I'm pretty sure.
DETAIN AND DEPORT MUSK! After we put him in GITMO to get all that info he has been selling to terrorists around the world about the USA
The world's richest man, high on ketamine, plugs in his own servers to steal data from the government. May we quietly whisper one last time, as we descend into chaos..."but her emails"
I'm wondering why an insurrection wouldn't be called for in response to this. We're watching the dismantling and destruction of our country and our government, so it seems like desperate times call for desperate measures.
We have thousands, millions, of Americans who have sworn an oath to protect and defend our Constitution. That oath doesn't end when you retire or change jobs to the private sector.
We have a foreigner who is staging a cyber-coup against us, and a faux-president who could give a sh*t, is in fact enjoying the destruction he's watching as retribution for all the bad, mean people who tried to put him in jail wah wah.
And since there aren't any penalties for treason in our current government system, we actually have the freedom to do whatever it takes without consequences.
Really, what do we have to lose at this point??
The rest of the world is wondering the same thing.
Yet zero was done by people in our Gvt who SWORE AN OATH TO THE CONSTITUTION TO PROTECT AMERICA FROM ENEMIES FOREIGN & DOMESTIC. NO one is stepping up. Dems are very much complicit too. They KNEW exactly what was going to happen and the criminal they were handing our democracy over to. THEY KNEW and did nothing. To keep with Decorum? Tradition? RULE OF LAW? Since When have REPUBLICANS ever cared about these?
It’s time to drop super thick hammers. Knuckles deep, welcome the fight
What trump failed to do for putin, elonia is doing it for him.